Wednesday, September 17, 2008

First All Blacks Game in NZ

Perin and I attended our first live All Blacks sporting event a local "dodgy" bar. We met some colleagues from her work who told us to get there 90 minutes before the start so we could get a good standing (not sitting) area staked out.

The match was to decide first place in the Tri-Nations Tournament. The Tri-Nations are the three rugby powerhouses of the southern hemisphere: South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand. The All Blacks played the Wallabies (Australia). South Africa's team is the Springboks.

Just watching the haka (traditional war dance performed by the ABs before every game) with everyone packed into that bar together raised testosterone levels tremendously. A couple pitchers of beer and the last-minute victory made it a very memorable event! Go All Blacks!

We learned a lot about the subtleties of the game from her colleagues and saw that no one moved or ordered drinks while the ball was in play. Only during a stoppage in play was it appropriate to move or order drinks - at least at the bar we were at.

Get pumped up for battle watching the haka:

1 comment: said...

Do they play bad ass music with super tight guitar riffs and a deep voiced guy that really pumps you up for rugby? Or is it lame!