It's been over a month since we last updated the blog! So after typing up an email, I decided to replicate it here on the blog for everyone to read.
Things are going pretty well here. I got a job doing computer nerd stuff which is pretty good most days. I was doing a 3-month contract and it was kind of boring, and then I got a full-time offer. The day after I signed, they gave me nine things to do and I had to stay up til 2am for many nights getting it all done. Bastards! But now it's normal work busy-ness.
Perin's work is going pretty well. She's got an army of underlings to delegate the crappiest work to which is great. She's got two main clients right now so everyone is jockeying for her to help them more. Shows she's valuable even if management regularly changes her meeting calendar (or diary as it is called here).

We're both playing a lot of soccer. I play on a couple indoor teams and Perin plays on one indoor and one outdoor team (but the outdoor season just ended). This summer (I know the southern hemisphere seasons thing is weird) we're both going to try to play 5-a-side outdoor soccer in addition to the indoor soccer. Not to brag too much, but I'm one of the best players in NZ. Even though I do score a lot of goals, everyone wants me on their team as an "Enforcer," which makes me laugh. I play pretty physically (not dirty) but I'm friends with all the referees now (one even has a man-crush on me) so I get "favorable" calls more often than not.

Perin took some sewing classes, but is sitting this term out. She starts again next month. I'm taking an improv comedy class which is pretty fun. I have my first performance this Saturday, which is exciting. Perin is going to miss part of it because she has a one-time baking class she signed up for before we knew about the performance.
Going to work, soccer, the classes, and gym keeps us pretty busy (we also signed up for a boxing fitness class). We're working on our Kiwi accents. Perin makes fun of me because I can only do a "provincial" accent which means I sound like a farmer. But I think it's the same as when other people try an American accent - they can only do a southern accent.
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