New Zealand has, quite possibly, the worst television in the industrialized world. We have cable, but there is never anything good on. The very best shows are House and CSI, which have two one-hour time slots out of 168 hours week on 60+ channels. I never watched either of these shows in the States, but I have a whole new appreciation for them now. There is no on-demand or Tivo, so you have to watch shows when they're on. Oh, the humanity!
Right now (in prime time), on Comedy Central M*A*S*H* is showing. It is followed up by Frasier. Dukes of Hazzard, and Deal or No Deal are in the top echelon of show choices right now. However, what prompted this post is that Perin and I chose to watch Girls of the Playboy Mansion. It's a repeat. How do I know this? Because a lot of the time, it is by far the best show on. And this is the third time we've watched the softball tournament episode.
We've tried to convince ourselves that we should get into the Six Million Dollar Man series, or follow drag racing in States, but it comes down to E's non-stop GOTPM marathon being the best thing on TV most of the time.
I'm not sure you'll believe this, but I've been getting a lot of reading done while here.
1 comment:
At least you still have you tube...
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