Friday, January 23, 2009

Two sweet pictures

Perin might have taken these, or they might have come from postcards purchased. The world may never know....

NZ Post Cards

Saturday, January 17, 2009


An underwater video from our dive at the Great Barrier Reef in Australia

Perin's Bungy Swing

Here is a fun little video of Perin's Bungy Swing in Queenstown New Zealand

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Australia photos

Here are our photos from Australia. The first half are from our SCUBA diving trip. Enjoy!


South Island Pictures

Our trip to the south island with Paul's family was our first trip there and was very fun and beautiful. Here is a map of where we went.

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And now for the part you've all been waiting for: the pictures!  Enjoy!

South Island - 08

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

In Cairns now

We got up at 3am to make our flights, but we were napping on the beach by noon. Slept until just before it started raining at 4pm. Ate a little bit and were in bed by 8pm! :)

The flights were nice - they handed out ice cream bars on the second flight! Qantas is alright in my book.

It's the perfect temperature for Perin here (around 85) but it's little humid for me. We tried going to the gym this morning, but it smelled like mildew and was way too hot and humid to do more than 5 minutes. Just proves that working out is stupid. I had some extra beers to compensate.

We're off to the outer Great Barrier Reef in the morning to go SCUBA diving! We're so excited! No underwater camera, but we'll post pictures when we return.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Getting caught up in the New Year.

I finally made a photo album of some good photos from the rafting school. My parents, Myra and Erik all came down for the holidays and we spent the last two weeks touring the south island of New Zealand (we'll post more details and pictures soon). And Perin and I are heading to Cairns, Australia for a week in sun to put the finishing touches on our holiday break. We'll post much more once we get back and in the new year.

Happy New Year to everyone!

Rafting Photos